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Director of Wastewater Services
I would like to recommend Bio-Chem’s fermentation product for grease and odor control. Ken and I have known each other for several years and he has always provided superior products for grease reduction in our lift stations. He approached me with this new product that not only reduces grease but also odors in our system. I was curious and wanted to give it a try. Anything I could do to reduce costs and cover more stations was a win. We started testing this product and it worked. For the price I was paying for another odor control product at one station I’m treating three stations with outstanding results.
I can’t say enough about this product and how effective it is. So I highly recommend it to anyone to use.
David Hoffman Jr.
Director of Wastewater Services
Assistant Director
of Wastewater Services & Wastewater Crew Chief
The James Island Public Service District (JIPSO) Wastewater Department is responsible for maintaining the public wastewater collection system, which serves approximately 13,000 retail customers and one wholesale customer . The wastewater collection system consists of gravity pipelines, lift stations and' force mains conveying wastewater for Charleston Water System's Plum Island Treatment Plant. JIPSD's Wastewater Department maintains 67 lift stations that are part of a system that provides collection services to all wastewater areas of the island, including the Town of James Island, the City of Charleston, and 6 lift stations for the City of Folly Beach.
In trying to find a safer, more cost-effective solution than the current bioxide chemical application in use, the JIPSD made contact with Ken Brummett of Bio-Chem Industries. They promptly conducted a site visit to see what the unique needs and challenges were of the JIPSD. They recommended a trial of their Revive biological fermentation system.
The JIPSD has recently completed a trial of Bio-Chem's product Revive system to address the main concerns of odor reduction and grease control in its major lift stations. This trial utilized a self-contained palletized system that only requires a 110volt outlet, designed by Bio-Chem. The units proved to be very portable which aided in relocation to various lift stations for testing purposes. The H2S levels were monitored using an Oda Logger that was placed at various lift stations downstream from the test site applications. Almost immediately there was a significant drop in the levels of H2S gas present in the downstream lift stations as indicated by the oda logger, and JIPSD Tech's also commented on the noticeable reduction of odor upon arrival at the lift stations.
By the numbers;
Station 11 before start of the treatment average was 145 PPM of H2S with a max of 313 PPM. After the treatment started the average reduced to 72 PPM with a max of 166 PPM over a 7-day period!
Station 33 before start of the treatment average was 335 PPM of H2S with a max of 369 PPM. After the treatment started the average reduced to 88 PPM with a max of 166 PPM over a 7-day period!
The JIPSD 'has been so pleased with the results that they have utilized 3 complete package units that are strategically placed at upstream lift stations. With some time.and monitoring, two of the units were relocated further upstream to achieve the maximum benefit and effectiveness. One of the main JIPSD problem stations for grease buildup was cleaned with a Vactor truck just prior to the commissioning of the Revive system. Since the placement of the self-contained unit at this location, the grease buildup in the wet well has been trace to minimal! To date, the "Revive" treatment has been outstanding for its odor control and grease mediation effectiveness, all while being the key factor in cost effectiveness.
The JIPSD is currently removing the old chemical application systems since they are no longer needed. Replenishing the units is completed by JIPSD. It is easy to fill the tank with both the pucks and blocks. It then just has to be topped off with water. The Experts at Bio-Chem will set the metering up for you, and periodically check in with you to see how the system and the customer are doing, and will make recommendations or dosage changes if warranted.
Jeff Cohen
Assistant Director of Wastewater Services
Chris Pereira
Wastewater Chew Chief
Sewer Department Superintendent
Wastewater from the City of Dayton is transported to the treatment plant by the collection system, or sewer lines. Two main lines enter the treatment plant; one is by forced main or pumped, and one is by gravity flow.
In late 1999, I met Ken Brummett when he made a cold call on my facility promoting his Bio-Clean Products for improving sludge settling. After he showed what his product could do by performing a bench test on our return sludge, I decided to try it in a full-scale test in our treatment plant. The results where almost immediate. Our treatment plant was designed in 1972 as an activated sludge plant with no primary clarifiers. Our plant has preliminary screening, grit removal, aeration basins and final clarification before disinfection. The final clarifiers are shallow rectangle basins. Washouts were very common, even during normal flows. Within a week of the introduction of Bio-Clean, washouts where slowing down. Within 3 months there were no washouts unless we exceeded hydraulic loadings.
In the summer of 2005, we were approached by the Mayor to do something about the odor complaints that he had been receiving. I suggested talking to Ken about the problem but was overridden and told to use our consulting engineer to solve the problem. At his recommendation, we started feeding Sodium Permanganate at three locations in our system. Within three months, we had spent over $100,000.00 with no noticeable odor reduction. I called in Ken at that time. He developed a plan using his Revive System to control our problem, and after looking over the system, we added another location to the three already in place. We went from spending $100,000 in three months to $55,000 in 12 months, with odor complaints dropping to a minimum.
3 years ago, we increased the stations from four to six. At that time, we started trials with Bio-Chem’s fermentation process using the Revive. At that time, we did not have the equipment to measure the H2S at these different sites, but hindsight is 20/20. I do know that odors are now almost nonexistent. The great benefit of this has been the elimination of our problems with grease blockages on these lines. We are currently looking at other areas that we can expand the feeding of the fermentation process that are not on these main lines.
In closing, I will say what I tell anyone who asks me, “Does this work?” I tell them “Yes it does for us.” All it costs you is time to find out if it will work for you and your system. Ken and Jon Brummett are very honest and want to help your facility. They will be the first ones to tell you if it will not work for your application. Give them the chance and I do believe you will be greatly surprised with what they can accomplish.
Glenn Fraley
Sewer Dept. Superintendent
Wastewater System Supervisor
We at Newport Utilities Wastewater Treatment Plant have been using Bio-Chem's fermentation product for odor control and sludge reduction. The product works and Ken is one of the best people I have ever met. I have known Ken for several years and he knows his product. We have been seeing awesome results with the fermentation process. lwould highly recommend it to anyone looking for this type of product because it works!! lt has not only helped us with odor and sludge reduction it has also helped us with grease. l'm not one that trust very many people but Ken is certainly one that I do!! l'm always willing to talk and show what it has done for our plant with anyone.
Chris Archer
Wastewater System Supervisor Newport Utilities WWTP
Wastewater Superintendent
Our Plant is designed to remove 30 mg/L ammonia. Our average influent ammonia runs in the 40 to 60 range. We have run some grab samples that range well over 100, and sometimes 200. Our average effluent ammonia runs in the decimals. As you know, we use Bio-Clean as an aid for settling. We have been using this product so long it is just a natural part of operations. Does it affect ammonia removal or reduction? I would have to make an educated guess and say yes.
Dennis Hale
Wastewater Superintendent
Project Manager
I turned the air off to the digester Friday, it has set all weekend, I just checked it and there is 7 feet of clear supernate to be removed! That has never and I mean never happened here in Pound with this digester Ken! Right now I am sold on your product! Amazing
Yes I think you have found something here. Simple to use, and it gets results. In the past we would have been hard pressed to get a foot of supernate after aerating for that long
Dennis Baker,
Project Manager, Veolia Water, NA
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