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Tell someone you've found an effective "degreaser" and listen to them laugh. That's why Bio-Chem built E-Z Grease Killer, and later added the Revive biological system to our product line.
In this particular arena, a picture really is worth a thousand words.

Influent wet well near the Atlanta system
Immediate reaction with the introduction of
E-Z Grease Killer
30 minutes after application, neutralisation occurring
The following morning, all grease is gone
We were very serious when we developed E-Z. We built E-Z to break grease at the molecular level, altering its state and leaving it in a neutral state. We were so sure of its efficacy when we developed it, that we issued a no-nonsense money-back guarantee on it the first day. After more than 28 years on the market, no one has ever asked for their money back.
Why? Simple. It works.
After we brought it to market, we were encouraged to design a dedicated delivery system for E-Z. Below, you can see the fully-powered spray system.

The E-Z Spray System
Water proof, self-contained, powered system
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